I saw Avatar and it was A*M*A*Z*I*N*G I loved it so much. and my favorite character was Neyitiri. And this is her:

idk, she was just my fave. and part of the time they spoke this language and it made me wanna learn a new language becuz i loved theirs so much. but it was very good. and it like also made me want to be a tree hugger and love the animals and plants and stuff. idk, you would just have to see it to know what im talking about.
but yeah, it was amazing, and it had sam worthington, who is a hunk! :D
and they are offish my new favorite couple.
okay, so anyways:
i am so proud of myself. I have $37! right in my pocket! i am so happy. but idk if i wanna spend it. i mean, sure i'll go ice skating or something. but i wanna save up for these.
and this.
and this,
and finally this!
so explaining,
saw logans black shoes: and fell in love. but i want the thin soles. :)
love dakine backpacks and it has all my fave colors and is a low rider with a strap :)
need a new phone and i love this one, its so sleek and cute. (samsung delve)
and finally, my car. oh how i love it. black soft top jeep wrangler. awe, im in love.
well, i gotta go get ready.
peace out shawtys!
have a fun new decade.
nice mal,
ReplyDeletegoood movie. :)
i love the vans ( i have them)
cool backpack
jeeps are my fave