Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'm lookin down every alley, I'm makin those desperate calls.
I'm stayin up all night, hopin hittin my head against the wall.
What you got boy, is hard to find, I think about it all the time.
Im all strung out my heart is fried, I just cant get you off my mind!

such a good song! it describes it so freakin well!!

Your love is my drug!!

(do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement?)

Friday, May 21, 2010


New Letters to Crushes

ah.. havent checked this for ever

(i dont care what other people say, the rush is worth the price i pay) ;)
-Your Love is My Drug

our eye contact has a secret behind it.

i don't want it to be a secret anymore

What if we are meant to be together? What if this is going to be a fairy-tale romance, with a story book ending? Neither of us are willing to take the chance.

But what if we were willing? How amazing it could be.

whenever i see you in the halls, i look down, avoiding your glance.

you see, i'm scared our eyes will meet and you'll read the words i'm screaming with my whole body.

"i miss you. can we fix this?"

They say a text is just a text,

but my heart's about to explode in my chest.

I just love love!!

good day!