Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
1. where is your cell phone? was in my pocket...but now its not.
oh! i found it, its on the floor. :)
2. your hair?
is in that ugly stage between short and kinda long. why am i growing it out again?
3. your mother:
oh rita,
4. your father:
well...nothing much really to say about him.
5. your favorite food?
i love lots of foods.
pasta salad
most veggies
...pretty much i'll eat anything. :)
6. your dream last night?
I had a super random dream where this guy i liked last year i liked again and he liked me back and we were like in love. super awkward...
7. your favorite drink?
im in love with that stuff
8. your dream/goal?
probably to have a family
9. the room you are in:
10. what is your hobby?
doing nothing and totally kicking butt at it.
11. what is your fear?
i hate ghosts
and big spiders
and being alone
and ice bergs.
12. where were you last night?
in my bed..
13. something you are not?
a show off (whats there to show?) ;)
14. muffins:
no, CUPCAKES!!! :)
15. wish list items:
this amazing car
and these shoes. :)
16. where did you grow up?
rigby idaho. :) i heart that place
17. last thing you did:
played the piano. :D
18. what you are wearing:
blue volcom graphic tee
red vans
and my junk
19. your tv:
is dumb and only has like 10 channels
20. your pets:
*achoo* get it?
21. your friends:
are the best thing in the world.
22. your life:
23. your mood:
up and down up and this pic!
24. missing someone?
yes! my sweetheart katelin. wish you well!
oh, and i havent seen my best bud for a while. so him i guess too. :)
25. vehicle:
but i could ride this too i guess
26. something you're not wearing:
these vans
and i wish i was, so much.
but the red ones work. :)
27. your favorite store:
probably target, or walmart.
oh i love forever 21, and nordstroms rack.
28. your favorite color:
every color in this pic, exept the wood. :)
29. the last time you laughed:
when i was talking to kinzie... i think. idk, i laugh to much. :D
30. the last time you cried:
...a while ago. like four weeks prolly.
31. your best friend:
i have a bunch and i love them all and for different reasons. :)
32. one place you go over and over:
the bathroom. :)
33. guilty pleasure:
pop, chocolate, sleep, friends.
34. favorite place to eat:
costco, or subway, or jack in the box, or maverick, or home..
35. where do you want to be in 6 years?
college with a family. :)
woah, that was long. :) post your own!
Friday, November 27, 2009
lots of crap thats not really important at all

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
....a bunch of mumbo-jumbo
I was so distracted thinking about you this morning that I accidentally brushed my teeth with face wash. It was worth it.
— K
i really hope you think about me as much as i think about you, because i don’t want to be a creeper. also, it would really make me smile.
— girl
I only allow you to mess up my hair because I like you. I only allow you to steal my french fries because I like you. I only allow you to make fun of me because I like you.
I like you. Too, too much.
Let’s cut paper snowflakes and play Jenga all night forever.
— me
aw...these comments just make me sigh. :)
okay. bigger and better things.
this is a cute little indian girl!
okay, new song obsession
I love it so much!
and bounce,
it is number one. and its on my iPod touch thingy on the side, so just press the menu button and scroll down and you'll find it. Its as awesome as shiz.
well...not really very talkative today.
so i must flee.
(caution if you look at him for too long you start comparing him to people in the real world who arent nearly as hott and there after have a hard time finding any intrest in others.)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Oh man. So much on my mind.

There are so many moments I could write about. You have a tendency to be amazingly cute around me. One moment stands out though. We’re sitting in class as usual. You mention you’re getting your hair cut after school. You add that you get it cut every two weeks. I have no response, but you look up and your face turns red as you add, “I don’t know why I just told you that.” Something tells me that you like me, and I know that I like you.
— D
I am beginning to see your name everywhere I go. On the train, in the car, at school, even on street signs. Do you think I’m crazy? I think it’s just a sign that we should be together.
— C
when you call, i can’t
my mouth…
no ability
— a
Craps lame, and so are you. But in a ridiculously cool way.
— anonymous
dear boy,
you are so wonderful and amazing. i wish you would stop chasing after someone who doesn’t appreciate all that you are! I AM STANDING HERE WAITING FOR YOU. OPEN YOUR EYES.
— you know who this is, think about it.
best friend,
you are so much better than all that. i wish you could see it because watching you hate on yourself makes me sad inside.
really sad.
move past it. preferably with me.
— best friend
Here are some more of my faves.
i give up. okay? you win. i don’t want to compete. i never wanted to compete about who’s happier or who’s better off. i give up on trying to be nice and trying to be friends. i don’t want to be nice. it’s hard being nice. i don’t want to be friends if it’s going to be this hard. it’s hard watching you self-destruct. it makes me feel like the person i liked died somewhere in between. i don’t want to be a part of your life anymore. maybe then you would stop your crap and see what you’re doing to yourself.
you win.
— V
i used to have a countdown of when u would c me, and now i have a countdown of when ill move away and not c u with ur girlfriend
— ur best friend
Hi there,
This is probably not the place for this, because I’m writing this to tell you that I’m finally over you. So you don’t have to be afraid anymore and we can be best friends again. Right? I’m sorry I went batcrap crazy when you turned me down.
I also need your help with math again because without you I’m failing miserably.
Your crazy best friend
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Excitement, Joy, anxiety: All of which I am feeling.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Lots and lots of stuff. and then i little more. :)
- Russian Roulette -Rihanna
- The Luckiest -Ben Fold
- Somehow -Drake Bell
- Sandstorm -Darude
- The Rockafeller Skank -Fatboy Slim
Monday, November 9, 2009
oh, lots of stuff

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Christmas List

Saturday, November 7, 2009