Do you ever have those days, where you are just in a great mood and it seems like nothing can go wrong? Ya, story of my life (:
So i finally got a backpack! and i love it so much (: its turquoise and jansport. i love it to death (: mostly becuz its turquoise (: i just love that color.
Alrighty, so i am kind of a little excited for school to start. But mostly becuz i really wanna buy some new school clothes and folders and locker accesories and everything else. (: I'm really excited to see what electives i end with too! I really hope i get social dance, auto-shop, spanish, and graphics.
I'm also really excited to go to idaho soon!! We haven't tooken really any vacations this summer, so i am really excited to get out of this town! (No offense, i love you guys) Its gonna be fun tho, becuz i can wear pants without sweating to death (: Plus, i get to see my awesome cousins! The only sad thing is, my really legit cousin Chayden is leaving on his mission! But we're excited cuz we're going to write him. which is like a first for us! So it should be fun.
I love how this blog is more like my journal becuz there really is like no one who reads it. Its great stuff man. Great stuff.
God Bless You All